Why Businesses Still Trust Analog 2-Way Walkie Talkies

Are analog radios still worth it in the era of the latest digital radios and push-to-talk over cellular radios? The answer is yes. It is amazing how this technology, which was invented in the 1930s for military communications, has become a choice tool – from logistics and facility management to schools to large conferences – thanks to its range of use, battery life, and channel utilization.

In the Philippines, sectors like security and law enforcement use the ever-reliable analog radios to keep everyone in the loop, getting things done as they are faster and efficient. People after all depend on public safety to keep them safe whether in the street or in a shopping mall. Although digital radios have been accepted as the next logical step in radio communications, analog technology has remained as relevant as they are capable.

The advantages are clear: Analog radios maximize productivity

  1. Coverage. Walkie talkies have the range to connect teams across the workplace. People never miss important messages as they are sent out on time and in real-time.
  2. Audio quality. Voice is more natural, and we all want that compared to less robotic sounds. We get the communication clear enough to take the next action. It is because analog radios do not have latency, which is the delay of a fraction of a second caused by analog to digital to analog.
  3. Instant communications. One thing has remained the same: there is no substitute for voice. Analog provides immediate messaging while keeping everyone connected.
  4. Etiquette. You can pause if the other person is talking, and the person, in turn, will also give you the same courtesy. That is why walkie talkie users employ the same language and etiquette by using terms like Over, which means one is done speaking; Copy, meaning if one has understood what was said, Out, if the conversation Is finished; and more.
  5. Affordable. Analog is generally cheaper than digital. If you are looking for analog radios, MacroVista has launched some radio promotions:

MVP 328 at 25% off Promo

The MVP 328 is one of the analog radio lineups from MVP International. It delivers great audio quality, is compact yet sleek enough to make this radio comfortable and easy to operate especially when your team is out in the field. The MVP 328 radio features:

  • 1500 mAH li-ion battery
  • Good sound quality
  • Channel annunciation
  • IP54-certified for water and dust ingression

MYT Buy 5, Get 1 Promo

If you are interested in considering other walkie talkie brands, consider the MYT 360 and MYT 700. The MYT 360 only weighs 180g and is great for everyday use. MYT 700 has been one of the company’s bestselling radios and has a talk range of up to 5km.

MYT 360 Features

  • 136Mhz-174Mhz/400Mhz-470Mhz
  • 16 channels
  • ≤ 5 watts power output

MYT 700

  • 136Mhz-174Mhz/400Mhz-470Mhz
  • 16 channels
  • 5 watts power output
  • Talk range of up to 5km

When you buy 5 MYT walkie talkies of the same model, you will get an extra one unit for free. Please note these radios are VHF only.

It is no doubt that analog remains still popular in its time. Businesses need no-frills communications, and this technology can improve team communication and productivity, not to mention good battery life.

For more information about our analog radios and sales offers, contact [email protected]. You can also follow our social networks: Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter for more details regarding our promotions and other updates.


Unit 2202, Atlanta Centre, 31 Annapolis St., Greenhills, San Juan

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